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Links To Our Community

Balingup Arts & Cultural Hub (BACH)

Subcommittee of Balingup Progress Association

Balingup CWA

Balingup CWA Centre
Meetings -  2nd Tuesday of the month at 11am

Crafts - 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10am
Noelene (President) 9764 1080

Balingup Men in Sheds

Balingup Community Centre

Last Tuesday of Month at 7pm

Mike 9764 1080

Balingup Patches & Craft Group

Balingup Recreation Centre

Weekly on Thursdays from 10am - 3pm

Balingup Progress Association

Balingup Community Centre

1st Wednesday of each month at 6pm
President - Wendy Trow 0457404571
Secretary - Rick Thomas 0408641318

Balingup Ukulele Group (BUGs)

Balingup Community Centre

Weekly on Tuesdays at 2pm

Bronia - 97641848

Blackwood Valley Voices

Balingup Recreation Centre

Weekly on Tuesdays from 4pm - 5pm

Noelene King - 97641080

Bridgetown Silver Chain Social Centre

Lot 22 Pioneer St, Bridgetown
Weekly on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10am - 2pm

1300 650 803

*Transport is provided to & from Greenbushes*

Greenbushes Community Garden
Community Garden Building, 23 Blackwood Rd
3rd Saturday of the month for morning tea at 10am
Busy Bees are weekly on Thursdays at 9am

Irma - 0466640455

Greenbushes Community Shed
Behind the CRC, 46 Blackwood Rd

Weekly on Wednesdays & Fridays from 8:30am - 12:30pm

Angie - 0439612628

Greenbushes CWA Belles
CWA Rooms, 17 Blackwood Rd
Meetings - 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Chill n Chat - 1st Wednesday of the month at 6pm
President - Cherie 0417073988

Greenbushes Discovery Centre Committee
Discovery Centre, 38 Blackwood Rd
Meetings - 4th Tuesday of the month at 2:30pm
Centre open weekly Wednesday, Friday & Saturday from 10am - 2pm

Leonie - 97825717

Greenbushes St Barnabas Op-Shop
Blackwood Rd, next to the Discovery Centre

Weekly on Fridays from 9am - 1pm

Lyn Perks - 97643569

Greenbushes Playgroup

location TBC

Weekly, Fridays 9am - 11am

Kelly - 0447015665

Greenbushes Primary School P& C
Greenbushes Primary School Room 5

2nd Tuesday of the month at 9am

School reception - 9782 5950

Greenbushes Pre-kindy Playgroup
Greenbushes Primary Early Learning Centre

Weekly on Thursdsays from 8:45am - 10:45am

School reception - 9782 5950

Greenbushes RSL
RSL Hall, 32 Blackwood Rd

3rd Friday of the month from 4:30pm

Pat Scallan - 0427643508

Greenbushes Tidy Towns Committee

Greenbushes CRC
Incorporated with Grow Greenbushes

Leonie - 97825717

Grow Greenbushes

Greenbushes CRC
1st Thursday of the month (except Dec & Jan) at 5:30pm

Shamrock Hotel Sporting Club
Shamrock Hotel, 59 Blackwood Rd

Last Sunday of the month from 5pm




46 Blackwood Rd
WA 6254


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